Solitary Witch: Living, Being, Doing

Solitary Witch: Living, Being, Doing August 28, 2019

From the beginning of my spiritual journey in the Craft, I’ve been a Solitary Witch.  Living, being, and doing witchcraft on my own feels right to me. Why? Independence is a major factor. I’m responsible for my spiritual and magickal journey. As a Solitary Witch, my worldview is defined by personal study, intuition, and chosen beliefs. Traditions and religions have particular expectations. Codes of conduct. Interpersonal relationships which can effect the entire group or coven. As a Solitary Witch, I answer to myself and the goddesses with whom I work and am devoted.

Solitary Witch
A Solitary Witch is responsible for their own spiritual, magickal journey. Photo by reaklop2 via

A Solitary Witch is both student and teacher.

Solitaries must do their own research into mythology, correspondences for spellwork and ritual. They decide if they want to perform divination and what method(s) work best for them. A Solitary Witch learns on their own how to call upon spirit allies or recognize different forms of spiritual energy. Solitaries must find the discipline to practice without the push of a teacher or group.

The individual practitioner determines what to believe or not,  whether to work with deity or not. The sheer volume of books available about witchcraft can be overwhelming for the beginner. Even so, this is the burden of a Solitary Witch. Sifting through what is useful and discarding what does not serve through diligence and research.

The internet can be both blessing and burden in this regard. You can find a lot of useful information on the internet. However, you will find pages of information on different traditions, beliefs, philosophies and opinions about witchcraft and paganism which may contradict or challenge. A solitary must be able to follow what resonates for them, speaks truth to their mind and spirit, then build their spiritual path and practice from there

Solitary Witch Practice
Sometimes you gotta get creative. Image by Benjamin Balazs via

The hard truth.

Being a Solitary Witch or practitioner means you will spend most of your spiritual journey on your own. I won’t deny, it can be lonely. For anyone coming out of a mainstream religion with an active spiritual community, accessible leaders or teachers, and definitive literature to study, the solitary path of the Witch or Pagan can seem unattainable or remote. Although, all those things are also part of the problem with mainstream religion. Being told what to believe, how to behave. There is a richness and reward for those who choose to become a Solitary Witch/Practitioner. Freedom to become one’s true Self.

My family and I attend Pagan events because we are all solitary practitioners. Going to such events allows solitaries to mingle with others of like mind, learn from more experienced practitioners and be part of the greater magickal community. Social media is a wonderful tool. Being part of a Facebook group (or more than one) can fill a space in a solitary’s life. However, participating in a Pagan Pride Day or larger event is a great way to connect with people who understand you.

Try searching out pagan events in your area or region. Make a day trip to visit a Pagan store if you don’t have one local. We are now fortunate to live near Artes and Craft, but for a long time my family and I had to drive over an hour to visit the store. Larger Pagan events, such as ConVocation, Michigan Pagan Festival, Michigan Witches Ball or Pagan Fires can be a little expensive. However, we believe the time and money spent is well worth it.

Pagan Connections
Going to Pagan events can help you feel connected to the wider community. Photo by Pexels via Pixabay.

Yes. There are joys and challenges.

On the one hand, to be a Solitary Witch means I have complete spiritual autonomy. My path is my own. I weave it in a way which speaks best to my spirit, beliefs and practice of the Craft. While it’s true, being part of the wider Pagan community takes effort on my part, with all my heart I can tell you this.

My path as a Solitary Witch is beautiful, brings me joy, and is fulfilling. And in the end, what else does their really need to be?

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is an Eclectic Green Witch and Clairsentient Medium. She loves working with herbs, essential oils and plants. In the past, she has been a teacher, musician and published writer. Now, she just wants to be a free spirit and talk about life. You can read more about the author here.

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