October 31, 2019

Today, the 31st of October marks the Pagan festival of Samhain, the Christian celebration of Halloween (All Hallow’s Eve) and of course the very popular Day of the Dead, the Mexican celebration of an ancient Aztec goddess which has become so popular alongside Halloween in recent years.  There are also many other significant religious celebrations this time of the year.  Hindu’s celebrated Diwali a few days ago, a festival of lights celebrating the victory of light over dark. These festivals... Read more

September 23, 2019

It is the Autumn Equinox here in England today – and Light and Dark are not equal. This short article explores the reasons why there is more light in the day than dark on the Autumn and on the Spring Equinox – and why it is not really accurate to say “light and dark” are in balance. And relax, I also used to say “This is the Autumn/Spring Equinox, a time when Light and Dark is in equal balance” when... Read more

September 17, 2019

And now I will lead you on a merry Equinox dance, going full circle to an actual ancient festival which happened at the Full Moon just before the Autumn Equinox, and which can through a series of ancient associations and jumps perhaps be associated with Mabon, through his (possible) association with Apollo. Read more

September 16, 2019

Let's talk about two magical staffs:  The Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius.  The Caduceus is a famous symbol of two snakes coiling around a staff; where as the Rod of Asclepius is a staff with one serpent coiled around it. Read more

September 15, 2019

I frequently get asked to recommend books about the Goddess Hekate.  This is a list of the ten books I recommend at the present time to those readers seeking to learn more about the Goddess Hekate. Read more

August 25, 2019

In life there are special moments when your life changes forever.  Meeting Claudiney Prieto on one of Sao Paolo’s airports in 2014 was one of those moments.  I travelled to Brazil on his invitation to speak at CWED (Conferência de Wicca e Espiritualidade da Deusa) on my work, and the people I met and what I learned by just being there changed my perspective on Paganism and Wicca in a very positive way and forever.  The passion and love he... Read more

August 1, 2019

David Beth is an exceptionally passionate man, dedicated to Gnosis through his esoteric studies and practices. He was born in Angola, educated in Germany and the USA, and he has lived in Nigeria, Brazil and the UK along the way.  In this interview David shares how his childhood fascination with spiritual mysteries led him on a spiritual quest, towards becoming a Houngan Asogwe of Haitian Vodou, as well as an initiate of a number of other traditions. His work came... Read more

July 26, 2019

21 DE JULIO DE 2019 POR   SORITA D’ESTE – > Morgana Sythove, Children of Earth Interview <   : Traducido por Rigel Betelgeuse   Conocí a Morgana por primera vez en 2002 en una Conferencia de la Federación Pagana (Pagan Federation) en Londres, en la época en que el PF organizaba grandes eventos nacionales en Fairfield Halls en Croydon.   En ese momento, yo era una recién nacida en mi rol como Suma Sacerdotisa, ¡y conocer a Morgana era para mí poco como... Read more

July 25, 2019

Caroline Wise is well known for her work promoting Goddess spirituality, her passion for Earth Mysteries, and her extensive knowledge of occult books. She compiled the book Finding Elen, the Quest for Elen of the Ways, and is co-editor, with John Matthews, of The Secret Lore of London (Hodder and Stoughton). She has also contributed to books on Goddesses, Florence Farr, Pamela Colman Smith, and Babalon. From the 70s she was involved with the Earth Mysteries; in the 1980s, a founder... Read more

July 21, 2019

I first met Morgana in 2002 at a Pagan Federation Conference in London, back in the days that the PF organised large national events at Fairfield Halls in Croydon.  At the time, I was a new-to-the-job fledgling High Priestess and meeting Morgana was a bit like meeting royalty!  The scene has since changed a great deal, but Morgana continues her work with Wiccan Rede and as the International Coordinator for the PFI (Pagan Federation International) from her home in the... Read more

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