Aries Super Duper New Moon Moon

Aries Super Duper New Moon Moon April 7, 2016

asthisnewmoonAre you ready for the NEW MOON? Thursday, April 7th at 7:30 AM ET we welcome in a Super New Moon in the sign of Aries. This New Moon is in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. It is a sign of confidence and power and this moon makes it a wonderful time to begin a new career, projects or love interests. This moon is good for working on releasing past issues, allowing them to bubble over and letting go. Feel and then release. Think of it from an exercise standpoint. You must first warm up or you may get hurt during the most intense routine. If you don’t allow the cool down, the same can occur. And if you are just going through the warm up and not allowing the actual work out to happen, you don’t get results. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the cycle of what isn’t good for you and allowing the past to consume you.

What you may see during the next few days of this New Moon:
A feeling of anger.
A new-found confidence.
More intense weather patterns.
A feeling that you need to get moving in your life.
Some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be.
More spirit/ghost sightings.
More political chaos.
People acting more assertive (traffic, lines, at work, etc).
Pets acting out of sorts.

The Universe is ready to catapult us into some major changes as a world and as individuals. Leaving our comfort zone is scary, but needed. If you feel anxious – it’s normal. Sometimes you just have to ride the wave of the change, though.


  • Each month on the new moon write up a list of 10 wishes. It can be anything from romance to finances and anything in between.
  • Don’t write more than 10 wishes AND handwrite (don’t type, it makes it more personable.
  • Try to make your wish list within the first eight hours of the new moon, and not when the moon is void because your wishes become null and void.
  •  If you miss the first eight hours, you can still make your wish list within the first 48 hours of the new moon.


Writing an Abundance Check is an exercise you can use to create more abundance in your life and the check is to be written within 24 hours of each New Moon.

  • On your check where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
  • On the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”
  • On the next line where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.” [Some say it works better if you don’t add the squiggly line.]
  • On the signature line, sign your check: “The Law of Abundance”
  • If you don’t have checks, or don’t; want to waste one, you can simply create a handwritten one.
  • It is not necessary to put a date on the check (although I do). DO NOT write a specific dollar amount on the check. Then put the check away in a safe place and forget about it. You might even want to burn it on the Full Moon (I will get to that on the next Full Moon).
  • Allow the Universe to take over from there. Yep, that silly control thing. Let it go!

Letting go is hard, but staying in the same place is hard too!


Kristy Robinett

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