Be the Dream Catcher – New Moon

Be the Dream Catcher – New Moon December 29, 2016

SMUDGESPACE (1)Today, Thursday, December 29th, we welcome in the final New Moon of 2016 and you may notice a deep sense of sadness and feel lethargic. You may even be questioning your life intentions, all who are around you – friends, co-workers, work, spouse, etc and wondering where you are going. The best way to work your way out of this somberness is to look at your dreams, aspirations, how you want your life to look like and make small goals as to how that can be accomplished. The Capricorn moon is all about saying -“Hey, I chose that and I can choose something else”‘ rather than moping and pouting about what hasn’t happened.

This is a super time for you to look over your goals, your resolutions and intentions and spend time thinking and meditating on new beginnings rather than what hasn’t been working for you. So, don’t beat yourself up if you were going to organize your sock drawer and instead caught up on your favorite television episodes – there is still time to make a magical transformation!

Tummy issues, lack of energy, and anxiety seem to be an issue for the next couple days, which might make it all the harder for you to feel like creating a vision.

It’s time to make your new moon check, write out your wishes and lift the burdens off of your shoulders and stop waiting for someone else to fix you.

Here are some good exercises for you to do:


  • Each month on the new moon write up a list of 10 wishes. It can be anything from romance to finances and anything in between.
  • Don’t write more than 10 wishes AND handwrite (don’t type, it makes it more personable).
  • Try to make your wish list within the first eight hours of the new moon, and not when the moon is void because your wishes become null and void.


Writing an Abundance Check is an exercise you can use to create more abundance in your life.

  • On your check where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
  • On the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”
  • On the next line where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.” [Some say it works better if you don’t add the squiggly line.]
  • On the signature line, sign your check: “The Law of Abundance”
  • If you don’t have checks, or don’t; want to waste one, you can simply create a handwritten one.
  • It is not necessary to put a date on the check (although I do). DO NOT write a specific dollar amount on the check. Then put the check away in a safe place and forget about it. You might even want to burn it on the Full Moon (I will get to that on the next Full Moon).
  • Allow the Universe to take over from there. Yep, that silly control thing. Let it go!

You have the dream catcher. You ARE the dream catcher.

~Kristy –

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