Embrace Your Magic – Unicorn Oracle

Embrace Your Magic – Unicorn Oracle January 15, 2018

Below are 4 Tarot Cards. The backs are all the same, but by using your intuition choose one of the cards that calls most to you and this is what you’ll want to work on for the next few weeks. Take a deep breath in and out. Don’t second guess yourself – just choose.


Which card calls out to you?



finishwIf you chose #1 you chose: FINISH WHAT YOU’VE STARTED – Your guides and angels are worried you’ve been procrastinating. It is now time to clean up your messes (both emotional and that within the physical world). It could be cleaning your closet, or cleaning your closet of friends on social media. There’s messes in your life that need to be cleaned up, sorted, and organized. Once you’ve completed you will feel less heavy. It doesn’t have to happen overnight – that thinking makes you want to quit even before you begin. Your guides believe in you.

lovefromIf you chose #2 you chose: LOVE FROM OUR PARENTS – Everyone has a different relationship with their parents, or who you feel mothered or fathered you. They may be here in the physical or on the other side, your guides are saying it’s time to reach out to one or both of them. If they are on the other side, you can chat with them just as easy as you pick up the phone here. Your guides want you to know that you are loved.

changeIf you chose #3 you chose: CHANGE – your guides and angels want you to know that it is safe for you to make changes, and that it will lead you to a positive space. Change can be scary. It can be hard. The angels are guiding you through this time of transition and the Law of Attraction insures that you’ll manifest wonderful new opportunities and relationships.

forgiveeIf you chose #4 you chose FORGIVE – Your guides and angels want you to know it is time to release the anger and blame. Often times anger manifests as physical pain. An analogy often used is that holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, but  you are the one who gets burned. Know that forgiveness does not mean that you accept the behavior or the frustration/sadness, but that you have the ability to love enough to let it go. Sometimes the forgiveness is learning how to forgive yourself through past decisions. When you learn to forgive, your ability to love and receive love grows. You are worth that.

Kristy Robinett

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