Will Your Blue Moon Turn Into Groundhog Day?

Will Your Blue Moon Turn Into Groundhog Day? January 26, 2018

willyourrUnless you are 150 years old (and I’m going with none of my readers are), then you’ve never seen this January 31st moon. It’s being called super, blue, and blood, and this is all completely real.

Super means that this moon will be closer to Earth in its orbit an 14% brighter than normal.  This is also the third “supermoon” in a trilogy of supermoons that began on Dec. 3, 2017. Blue doesn’t make it colored blue, but that it is the second full moon in a month and this is our second one in January. And Blood describes the color the moon will be – a tinge of rust color (not blue).

Being that this moon is in the astrological energy of Leo, it makes it a great  time to take charge of your own jungle.

  • It’s time to set goals.
  • Look at moving forward in life (possibly even real estate moving too).
  • Organizing your home, office, and car.
  • Reviewing if you are moving towards your life purpose.
  • Adding some creative work to your life.
  • Creating love in your life with a new romance or relighting the flame on a current.

This eclipse acts as an extra oomph of self-confidence and taking the leap to go after what calls to you – taking chances, having faith and believing! If you’ve felt stalled, this moon will give you the push you need.

There is a negative side of Full Moons and that includes feeling sad one moment, happy the next. Calm, and then anxious, all without warning. People may react erratically with more road rage and crazy drivers. Full Moons often bring strange weather patterns, and big scandals. You may feel more intuitive, have more paranormal experiences, and feel more tuned in to other’s lies. We will see this energy ease up on next Friday, just in time for Groundhog Day.

And nobody wants to live Groundhog Day, but this Full Moon will be dancing your past out of the closet for you to resolve. Do you have a history of worrying about money? That might be your main act. Or has love been a problem? Or family issues? Depression? Illness? The emotions from the unresolved will be spotlighted during this full moon. So self-care during this time helps with staying grounded. Drink hot drinks. Write a letter to someone you are upset with or missing, and then burn it. Hug a tree (really). Eat a salad. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts. Exercise. Smudge yourself. Diffuse some essential oils (orange, lemon, or rosemary can help brighten your day). Go out with friends or family.

It’s also the time to get your crystals out to re-charge them. Choose a location that feels happy and is safe from kids and pets. It can be a front porch, a windowsill, or even the dash of your car.

Frustration and impatience, two typical reactions to Full Moons, are both negative attributes, which throw more negative your way.  Turn off your negative mental chat that is sabotaging the life that you so deserve.  How do you do that?  The first thing is by acknowledging that you are doing it and when a negative thought arises, tell yourself  ‘STOP!‘ and replace the negative thought with a positive one.  Or simply take some deep breathes.  We can’t always have a head full of sunshine, but little by little you will notice that your negative thoughts will start to dissipate.  Think of it as mental scum and you are erasing it away with your happy thoughts.  By simply turning down the volume of negative chatter, the things you have been wanting in your life will begin to show up – whatever you are dreaming of.  Always remember that what you focus on expands and if it is negative, then that is what you will get.

If you completed the New Moon list and wrote our your check, take them back out, reiterate your wishes and either put it away, with faith that all is taken care of, or burn it, sending it off into the ethereal.

Full Moons are like mirrors for your soul. Everything is exposed and that can sometimes be tough. This moon is about pushing fear out of the way, though, and learning to be kind to yourself. Now, let me hear your howl and take your place back in your jungle.


Kristy Robinett

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