Happy Spring

Happy Spring March 19, 2018

If you felt as if this winter was the longest ever, you aren’t alone. Even though Mother Nature hasn’t gotten the memo, spring has sprung, at least according to the calendar.

On March 20th we shake off Old Man Winter and wake up the Goddess of Spring. As the dust settles, though, this energy debris can bring about unwanted negative emotion that you thought was long packed away when in fact it simply absorbed into your environment. So how do you clear it?

Visualization is a fabulous technique to clear your space and it’s as simple as envisioning battling and disintegrating those big nasty dust bunnies that might be made up of:
  • clutter
  • arguments
  • illnesses
  • passings
  • job loss
  • insecurity
  • conflicts

Ways to Spring Cleanse:

– Create a strong intention in your mind, making sure to include a vibrant, happy, and healthy energy.
– Put some warm water in a glass bottle and add some essential oil, my favorite for spring is rosemary, orange, lemon, spearmint, and/or grapefruit.
– You can spritz or even wash your doorknobs, doors, and floors and while cleansing say – “Disintegrate all negative energies, thoughts, and emotions from this room now. Fill this space with love, blessings and joy from above.”
– Imagine a bright yellow, citrine colored, light filling your space and offer your gratitude for harmony, health, love and joy for the new season and forward.

After cleansing, open your East windows and doors to allow the fresh energy of the sun to invoke happy energy. Repeat as much as you feel you need to. Always remember that you hold the magic and BELIEVE.

I believe in YOU!


Kristy Robinett is an Intuitive,  Psychic Medium and author of many books. She loves anything sparkly, fuzzy socks, chocolate ice cream, cuddly cats, old Victorian homes and hugs from her husband and four kids. To set up a private session, visit Visit www.kristyrobinett.com. Follow her at Twitter @kristyrobinett.


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