March Madness is Mercury Retrograde

March Madness is Mercury Retrograde March 25, 2018

I keep pretending that Mercury Retrograde doesn’t exist, but every time I hold my tongue or get frustrated I’m once again reminded. There seems to be an awful lot of emotions hanging in the universe.

The easiest way to deal with Mercury Retrograde (March 22-April 15th) is to think of it as a ‘re’ time. Meaning, it is time to renovate, renew, revise, return, revisit, refinance, renegotiate, review, etc. When buying things during this time, they often work for a short period and then break. When getting a job at this time, it is often short term (it doesn’t mean you get fired, it can also mean you get promoted!). When purchasing a house or a big ticket item, be prepared for issues. To put it in a nutshell, it isn’t a great time to make big changes, huge commitments, or have ‘the talk’ with a romantic partner. Instead is a time to look in the past (review) at what you need to let go of, it can be material or emotional, and correct it for a better future. Sort of like set up for the party, but don’t invite anybody yet. It isn’t a grand time to start anything new, unless it is something you can say you are re-newing.

People like to make excuses. Whether a full moon making them crazy, Mercury Retrograde creating an ornery feeling because nobody understands one another, or the so-called ascension that light workers are experiencing. I admit it, sometimes I blame the moon and stars (and planets) too. I like explanations and if I can look at the celestial, which cannot bite back (or can it?) and point my finger, it sometimes makes me feel better. Look at it from a realistic standpoint too, though. Sometimes it just is what it is and poor Mercury needs a break too!

So, how do you handle the next week? Carefully. You may talk, and feel as if nobody is listening. Think Charlie Brown’s teacher. People may be more spacey. Your, and others, energy may be a bit more lazy. And if you are traveling, you may have more issues with the car, train, or plane. Instead of cringing, sighing and whining, Mercury Retrograde teaches us patience. Sometimes I think all of us have lost as our world has gotten so complicated and electronically driven. So when you told your kid to do something twenty times instead of the normal ten times, and it still isn’t done – take some deep breathes and repeat (see the ‘re’) a different way. If you haven’t heard from that job you applied for, submit your resumes to different places, but know that after this period they may review your application and give you a call.

It does ask for you to look in the mirror at yourself, pulling out the rearview mirror even, and seeing what demons you have carried with you through the years – and then doing an exorcism. We all need practice in patience and although most of us all hate lessons, this is one you don’t need to study for.  Release and grow.

This period of time is a reminder to slow down and be patient. Mercury has a way of bringing up subconscious feelings of the past, shining them up and making them all new to and pretty to sort out. Be careful to not push them under the rug, but cautiously release them once and for all.

Dreams will be intense for the next few weeks. You may dream of an ex or a loved one on the other side, which could bring up the sorrow and grief again. Release. Your bid might not be accepted on the house. It’s okay, release, a better one is coming. You might not get the job. It’s okay, release, that wasn’t the one for you. Don’t shoulder the bad news and rejections during this time. Show Mercury that you aren’t co-dependent on it and that you do have patience. And when all else fails, there’s faking it until you make it, and then there’s wine too.

I believe in you.
Kristy Robinett


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