New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo September 9, 2018

September 9th at 2:01 PM Eastern we welcome in the New Moon in Virgo. This moon deserves the red carpet treatment for sure. Heck, we deserve the red carpet treatment for all of our patience, anxiety, and stress over the past few months. Have you felt overwhelmed by your delay of dreams? How many raised their hands? Oh, all of you? With the energy of this moon we begin to sail into smoother waters. Now that doesn’t mean you can lay back and work on your tan – we are edging into autumn, after all.

The Virgo energy helps us discover our personal power we’ve all had, but forgot it was there, or how to use it. It’s a healing energy that mends the wounds on the soul, reminding you that cobwebs look great for Halloween, but not in your life.

It’s a time to look at ways you can put yourself first. Do you even remember? If not, maybe take a second and write down all the things you love or might have loved. By opening the doorway just a little lets some light in.

What to watch for during the next couple days:

  • Virgos tend to be perfectionists and so this energy very well may bring out some frustration.
  • Virgos are service oriented and are naturally helpful and so you might feel a burst of energy.
  • Security and loyalty is important during this time.
  • Lack of communication is often felt during this time – as if Mercury Retrograde has once again reared its ugly head.
  • You and others may very well be more sarcastic, which could lead to misunderstandings.
  • Since this moon is in Virgo, you may feel frustrated, stressed and you may second guess yourself. It would do you good to push that aside.
  • This is a good couple days to clean the house, declutter the closets and most of all wash the cobwebs from your wishes and dreams.

Here’s some ways you can help charter your path to what you dream.

  1. Envision the life that you want. Don’t fear judgment or the what ifs, just envision what you want your life to look like.
  2. Refocus – Stop focusing on being a single mom, or not having enough (money, love, respect, etc). Put your focus on what you do want.
  3. Reflect on what went wrong. Sometimes it is easier to see the wrongs and not the rights. Now do the opposite.
  4. Remember that you are the source of your thinking. You are the source of your behavior. There are no strings attached to you!
  5. You are the writer of your story. Nobody else is unless you allow it to happen. Take your life pen back and begin writing!
  6. Rejuvenate and stop beating yourself up. How are you supposed to heal your bruises if you are keeping the battle going? Cuddle on the couch with the softest blanket, and a good book or movie. Splurge and go get a manicure or massage (there are tons of Groupon types of deals that can help with budget this in).
  7. Reconnect with who you are? Not sure who that is – that is the beginning of reconnecting.

    From a numerological perspective, the 9 is the last in sequence, meaning that new beginnings are coming, you just have to make sure that you plant those seeds and that the seeds you plant are really the harvest you’ll want for the winter. Here are some good exercises to help determine that.


  • Each month on the new moon write up a list of 10 wishes. It can be anything from romance to finances and anything in between.
  • Don’t write more than 10 wishes AND handwrite (don’t type, it makes it more personable).
  • Try to make your wish list within the first eight hours of the new moon, and not when the moon is void because your wishes become null and void.


Writing an Abundance Check is an exercise you can use to create more abundance in your life.

  • On your check where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
  • On the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full.”
  • On the next line where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full.” [Some say it works better if you don’t add the squiggly line.]
  • On the signature line, sign your check: “The Law of Abundance”
  • If you don’t have checks, or don’t; want to waste one, you can simply create a handwritten one.
  • It is not necessary to put a date on the check (although I do). DO NOT write a specific dollar amount on the check. Then put the check away in a safe place and forget about it. You might even want to burn it on the Full Moon (I will get to that on the next Full Moon).

Allow the Universe to take over from there. Yep, that silly control thing. Let it go!

I believe in you.
Kristy Robinett


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