5 Legitimate Reasons People No Longer Trust the Church

5 Legitimate Reasons People No Longer Trust the Church May 21, 2018


5 Legitimate Reasons People No Longer Trust the Church

I’ve said before that “the internet is killing Christianity”… I was wrong, it’s not.

The church is killing Christianity.

The Internet has just shown us we’re not alone in feeling as if this is not just intolerable but something most of us can no longer stomach.

It’s no exaggeration in my saying that if Jesus was alive today evangelicals would be the ones crucifying him.

But, mainly, I write this post for two types of people:

  1. For those of us who are needing to feel less alone…
  2. For those who are confused as to why anyone would level such strong sentiments against their beloved institutions.

Either way, it’s good to understand and it’s even better to be understood…

So, here are 5 legitimate reasons people no longer trust the church…  

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