January 11, 2012

What matters most to you? The Practice: Remember the big things. Why? In every life, reminders arrive about what’s really important. I’ve recently received one myself, in a form that’s already come to countless people and will come to countless more: news of a potentially serious health problem. My semi-annual dermatology mole check turned up a localized melanoma cancer in my ear that will need to come out immediately. The prognosis is very positive – this thing is “non-invasive” –... Read more

January 4, 2012

Busy, busy? The Practice: Rest. Why? This practice is definitely a case of teaching what you need to learn: I’ve been working through a big bucket of tasks lately with little chance to rest. (I console myself with knowing that the bucket is emptying a lot faster than it’s filling with new tasks.) Sometimes you can really feel what you need to do by feeling what’s happening for you when you don’t. “Don’t,” that is: ease up, unwind, recharge, put... Read more

December 28, 2011

What is living you? The Practice: Give over to good. Why? In every moment, you and I and everyone and everything else – from quantum foam to fleeting thoughts, intimate relationships, rainforest ecosystems, and the stars themselves – are each a kind of standing wave, like the ever-changing though persistent pattern of water rising above a boulder in a river. We are the result of multiple causes flowing through us. As Buckminster Fuller famously said, “I seem to be a... Read more

December 8, 2011

Studies show feeling cared about buffers against stress, increases positive emotions, promotes resilience, and increases caring for others. Plus it feels darn good. Read more

December 1, 2011

Friendliness takes a stand that is almost subversive these days: that the world has more opportunities than threats and that most people want the best for others. Read more

November 23, 2011

Each Thanksgiving holiday, we are reminded to be thankful. When times are tough, finding reasons to be thankful may be challenging or even seem inappropriate or impossible. This year, before we sit around the dinner table, let’s think about the myriad benefits to saying thanks, and how to truly savor the opportunity, no matter what. What do others give you? The Practice: Say thanks. Why? What do you feel when someone thanks you for something? For a comment in a... Read more

November 16, 2011

Compassion is natural; you don't have to force it - moments of compassion come in the flow of life. Try to open to compassion - including all beings, omitting none. Read more

August 17, 2011

Just One Thing by Rick Hanson suggests a simple practice to bring you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart. You can read more at http://bit.ly/RH-JOT. Read more

August 10, 2011

Just One Thing by Rick Hanson suggests a simple practice to bring you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart. You can read more at http://bit.ly/RH-JOT. Read more

August 3, 2011

Just One Thing suggests a simple practice each week that will bring you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart. You can read more at http://bit.ly/RH-JOT. Read more

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