The ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center labeled as a hate group…

The ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center labeled as a hate group… November 29, 2010

by me.  After all, what is closer to genuine hate?  Holding an opinion about homosexuality that fails to conform to the dogmas of modern progressivism?  Or considering anyone who advances ideals about homosexuality with which you happen to disagree a hate group?  The tiresome, yet effective, tendency of the Left to declare evil anyone who fails to conform to liberal groupthink is becoming troubling at best.  Simply because many on the Left desire to put teeth in their proclamation of moral superiority, one has to oppose their efforts almost on the principle of freedom of conscience and speech.  Even if you agree with their stances on such issues as homosexuality, anyone with a shred of consistency must be compelled to stand up and say enough, people can actually be free to reject liberalism and not have the label ‘hate group’ hung around their necks.  After all, this is not yet the United Soviets of America.

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