Update on Catholics hating America

Update on Catholics hating America March 17, 2013

I posted yesterday in response to the unbridled hatred of the US that some Catholics possess.  I pointed out that Mark Shea’s blog has become quite the gathering place for those who are quite proud of being Catholics who despise and loath everything to do with America, if not Americans.  To wit:

Say what you wish, Stu, but at least Canadiens aren’t identified by their revolting nature.

Sure, it’s in response to a dig at Canadians that heavily criticizes the initial comment by lumping all Canadians together as ones who would say such a thing.  But still, it’s nice to know there are thoughtful internet Catholics who believe we are revolting by our very nature.   Still, this is from the fellow who said children slaughtered by American Indians got what they got for being part of the evil White Protestant Invaders.  Imagine saying that on Mark’s blog about Japanese children in Hiroshima and imagine how long you’d last (I think both things would be repugnant to say).  A reminder why the Catholic Church has such a massive stack of bodies in its 2000 year old wake.

Anyhoo, the initial comment on Mark’s post was what got me to thinking.  It was posted by a regular reader whose dislike of the US is pretty well documented.  Fair enough.  The question was, why is Mark’s blog such a magnet for the “Hate America Catholics!” crowd?  I stated that I don’t believe Mark is there, yet.  But then, in response to that little ‘let’s assume America sucks and is evil’ dig, Mark posted his own response:

Actually, I like your comment just fine. Yes, his remarks are of a piece with the utopian arrogance that dominates the United States.

Uh huh.  So there you go.  Mark gives a high five kudos to the whole ‘no doubt the evil US will lead a coup to depose the Pope since it’s so evil and arrogant’ assumption.  Is there wiggle room?  Could Mark argue he doesn’t have some loathing and contempt for everything to do with the US?  Is there, shall we say, room for plausible deniability? Again, no problem with criticizing America.  But this is criticizing America with the same balance and insight that Jack Chick brings to his disagreements with the Catholic Church.

No, scratch that.  In it all, I’m actually convinced that Jack Chick thinks he’s doing the right thing and really wants Catholics to save themselves from certain damnation.  The comments I’m increasingly seeing on Mark’s site suggest nothing of the sort.  They merely suggest, well, a hatred of the US more in line with a Fred Phelps than Chick.  For Phelps gives no indication he has any concern or desire for those he hates to be anything other than those he hates.  And Mark, who once rallied around the flag and proclaimed that while we must be prepared to correct our nation, we should never cease loving our nation as an extension of the command to love our neighbors?  Who once shouted down those too critical of our nation as violating that very principle? Who now has a regular litany of visitors ready to proclaim ‘America sucks, it’s evil, stupid, always has been, it’s worthless  it’s the cause of all suffering, American’s are dolts and evil losers, who cares if its rotten kids were slaughtered by Indians!’?  I give you hope:

To criticize America with the mind of the Christ is a duty of every American Christian. But, since 9/11, many more Christians and many Americans now recognize that all such criticism should be done with reverence and gratitude for the truly great country this is. (Emphasis mine)

America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
confirm thy soul in self-control,
thy liberty in law.

Mark Shea, The National Review, 12/29/2001

It was true then.  It is still true today.

What has he done?

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