Say goodbye to freedom

Say goodbye to freedom June 7, 2016

Come this July 4th, you might want to consider where you expect the flag to fly in years to come.  According to a November Pew Research poll, a whopping 40% of millennials are fine with the government censoring speech that is deemed ‘offensive’ to minorities.   Note that.  How one defines offensive, and just what constitutes a minority, is not some agreed upon concept.  Nonetheless, with no clear definitions, according to Pew Research, millennials are sure that the right people in government censoring the right things for the right reasons could only bring about good consequences.  Here are the stats in chart form:

I don’t blame the millennials for being stupid.  It’s the natural state of humanity.  Not of humans, who are made in the image of God.  But of humanity, which is that fluid concoction that inevitably turns the divine spark into an inferno of Hell.  It was that very tendency that the much maligned Founding Fathers were concerned about when they established our system of Government, resting heavily on layers of checks and balances to prevent the very thing that almost half of future leaders today want.

And of course, it’s what they’ve been taught.  Liberalism rules our nation, and has for several generations.  If you look at the chart, you will see a full 1/3 of those who are Democrat support censorship.  And since Democrats represent that liberal movement that has dismantled the heritage of the Christian West in favor of a secularized, decadent and narcissistic culture, it’s not hard to see how its influence would be felt in such a survey among those who have heard no different. Also interesting is how many identified as non-white, whose ancestors we continually hear were oppressed and subjugated by whites, are now quite happy with a little subjugation of their own, no doubt for reasons they feel to be quite justified.

And in case you’re wondering, here’s what it looks like in Europe:

Wow.  70% in Germany favor censorship of bad thinking as dictated by the really right people.  Didn’t see that one coming.  Germany?   But look at the others.  This is an international trend.

About 10 years ago or so, the NYT ran an editorial expressing concern about certain trends that suggested our once hallowed freedom of speech was beginning to be challenged.  Because it was the NYT, and most non-partisans couldn’t help but notice the ideological affiliation of those who seemed to be itching to eliminate Bill of Rights styled liberties, it was quite a shock. The NYT didn’t call it for what it really was.  It wasn’t some strange fluke, or freakish trend with no explanation.  It was the liberalism that the NYTs espouses.  It was the emergent Left that, like most Enlightenment era revolutions, has little interest in freedom or liberty or equality, but much interest in tyranny, oppression and the eradication of those who fail to conform to the new Revolutionary spirit.

If I didn’t see this echoed across Social Media and even defended in schools and the media, I might think it’s just some typical survey that means nothing.  Some might say this is no big deal, or that to react is to overreact.  I wonder how many things will need to be piled together, and how big that pile of examples will need to be, before we realize we are seeing history repeat itself.  For the sake of my children, I’d like to think we’ll see it soon and do something to stop the movement before it’s too late, if it isn’t too late already.

Censorship, for lack of a better word, is good. Censorship is right, censorship works.  Censorship clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the modern spirit.  

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