Some takes on the Brexit Vote

Some takes on the Brexit Vote June 24, 2016

I’m not British, more’s the pity.   Though I am a bit of an anglophile, that tends to stop where my celebration of the United States begins.  Plus, I’ve always been a bit more Roman than Saxon if you take my meaning, so there.

Nonetheless, I can’t ignore the impact of this vote.  Nor can I speak intelligently to the results or the causes.  I’m not British.  It’s like listening to Brits try to explain the complexities of the American Electoral College.  It wouldn’t be pretty.   Which is why I haven’t commented on it up until now.  I figure anyone who has said nothing about the topic until after the vote shouldn’t be listened to, unless it’s a call for all of us to start listening and paying attention.  

It’s enough that those forces who seem to dream of a single world order governed by the principles of pseudo-Marxist inspired socialist secular liberalism are disappointed.  That doesn’t mean they’re wrong and the other side is right.  But when financial chaos, upticks in terrorist attacks, dropping the ball on immigration, and only seeming to come together to advance the culture of death and the end of religious liberty is the track record, I’m at least willing to consider the idea that another approach might have been worthwhile.

Here are a few takes sent to me by a friend and reader who has lived in different places in Europe, including old GB.  Take them for what they’re worth:

The Week
PJ Media
PJ Media Link#2
The Telegraph

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