Saurkraut Workshop!

Saurkraut Workshop! September 9, 2009

Yesterday I gave a workshop on how to make your own raw sauerkraut out in Grand Rapids for the local Weston A. Price group. They were lovely, and I hope I helped them out. I really believe that it’s important for everybody to be eating raw foods, particularly fermented ones. We evolved within a matrix of bacteria and other “germs” and “parasites” and I think that in becoming obsessed with anti-bacterial everything we’ve essentially thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Just because some bacteria are bad doesn’t mean all of them are, and by destroying the benign ones as well as the malignant ones, we open ourselves up to colonization by anything and everything. The metaphor I use is soil. When soil is covered with plants, it’s much harder for new plants to grow there. When soil is freshly turned you get weeds because that soil is much easier to access. Our gastrointestinal system is the same way. So thanks to all of you who listened and I hope you go out and make yourselves some sauerkraut!

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