Terrarium Madness!

Terrarium Madness! November 24, 2009

My terrariums have been going for about a month now, and I’ve learned that it’s very easy to over water them if you’re trying to keep them moist. I’ve found that they dry out without a lid of some sort. This ended up being a blessing in disguise, because I ended up killing off parts of a couple of them so I went out on a moss hunting expedition with my youngest in tow around the neighborhood. I found the lovely moss in the second picture on the asphalt next to a car park in the alley. I happily harvested some and stuck it in my pocket. Thus far, it’s taken to the transition well, and is happy and green. I love the landscaped hill quality of that moss. It’s like tiny green undulating hills. It makes me want to make a tiny wire tree to grace the miniature landscape. I also found out that capping it too tightly is bad too. The ferns and mosses began to look weirdly dark. I think they weren’t getting carbon dioxide. Still, my little experiment in bringing the outdoors indoors is working rather well. Some of the mosses are really taking off, it seems they really like the conditions and are much larger inside than they were outdoors.
For more info on what I did to make them, you can check out my previous post.

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