New Goodies

New Goodies January 24, 2010

My mom came up from Detroit this weekend for my oldest daughter’s birthday (she’s six now!) and brought me some good stuff from my Grandfather’s basement, one item being that lovely dilapidated book that was his when he worked as a machinist. You can see below it’s got all these fun little diagrams and charts that I so enjoyed making a mess with! So after the party and everyone left, I got out my paints so I could art. I wonder, does anyone else use the word “art” as a verb? To art. To go arting. I really need to art today. I doubt anyone else does, considering that when I write it down, all I can think is that I’m having flatulence problems. Yeah. So anyway, back to your regularly scheduled art:

I also worked some more on my swan painting. I think the incense sticks are starting to look more like incense, but it still needs some work, and I have to do something about that white blob of paint that looks like a goat head. It’s driving me crazy.

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