Wandering to Wonderland

Wandering to Wonderland June 25, 2010

The key to Wonderland shines bright this day. It beckons us to look out of the corner of our eyes and see who else might be hiding in plain sight. Let’s find out what adventures it will unlock!

Ahh… first we come to the Dormouse’s house. He’s always the first one to the party.
And here’s Simon Snailsworth slowly making his way along, like he always says, slow and sure is surely superb. (Plus he like to make an entrance.)

Leda the white swan reads the omens in the waters of the lake of Etain.
The key has been turned in the lock.
The time for tea has arrived.

Simon has met up with a couple of friends, Ptolemy Turtle and Kipling the wise old monkey whilst traversing the nasturtium patch.

The party is starting, and the Doormouse has arrived!
He is heard to be muttering something about horrid cats and their horrid smiles.
Hopefully he will recite verse today, we do so dearly love his recitations!
Twinkle, Twinkle little bat,
How I wonder where you’re at
Up above the world so high
Like a tea tray in the sky!

So the party has gathered and begun, with friends new and old.
We even let cranky old T-Rex join in the fun, otherwise he’ll just whine and stomp his feet until he flips himself on his back and requires the assistance of the DogHorse twins.

Spotted Dog is caught with his head in the sugar bowl, and appears totally unrepentant!
Kipling has found himself a lovely spot, unfortunately it appears to be in T-Rex’s tea!
Oh dear!

The Cheshire Cat’s cousin Clarice is in attendance, enjoying the chatter with Leda.
(The Dormouse is much relieved that the Cat himself is not)
One of the DogHorse twins is listening in.
Apparently their conversation is quite stimulating.
But all good things must come to an end, and so another beginning begins.
And like an echo in the setting sun
laughter and the scent of lavender shortbread fades
leaving only
the evening chorus of crickets.

The key is back in it’s box
with all the other treasures golden bright and tarnished dark.
Thank you for coming along with us
and sharing a cuppa.

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