Thrifty Art Thursday: Green World

Thrifty Art Thursday: Green World April 14, 2011

The green world has been calling me again to go outside to smell the earthy spring air. Spring flowers are finally making an appearance in my yard, little honey scented crocus bulbs, scilla, and the first siberian irises are blooming.

I’ve been starting plants inside as well, a long list of them:
salad burnet
Goodies to eat, goodies to smell, and goodies to dye with! Since so much of my time is spent on my garden right now, I thought I’d share some of my simple techniques I’ve discovered over the years to start plants up right.
When you’re starting plants from seeds, one of the pitfalls is watering too heavily or with too strong of a stream and damaging fragile seedling or even washing away the tiny seeds you so carefully planted.
My solution is to make a simple watering device out of a recycled yogurt container. It creates a gentle watering like rain to keep tiny plants happy and moist.
First you take a steak knife and punch small holes in the top of the lid. Don’t make them too big, or it won’t work right.

Next fill your yogurt container with water, snap the lid on and off you go!

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