Turnip of Doom!

Turnip of Doom! August 29, 2011

Just wanted to share this pic my DH snapped of me. I was weeding out the garden where the peas and early lettuce was, and I accidentally pulled up this bad boy, the largest turnip I’ve ever grown. Too bad it wasn’t closer to our Ancestors celebration, I’d carve it up to scare the bad spirits away!

In other exciting news, our little urban farm will be expanding to include livestock by the end of the week. I don’t have any photos yet, but we are working on getting a coop ready and should have our own little flock of chickens! I’m so excited! Yay for eggs! Yay for manure! Yay for entertaining my kids! While my husband was working on the coop, my youngest came to the door and shouted, “Are the chickens here yet?!”

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