New Chicken TV: Borage Bonanza

New Chicken TV: Borage Bonanza October 10, 2011

Here’s some more chicken fun for you. I’ve been enjoying experimenting with their food. In particular they really love borage, which I love too. Borage seeds are high in GLA, or gamma-linolenic acid, which is really handy for some of us who are, shall we say, a little high strung, just before that special time of month…

At any rate, chickens are still amusing whether or not I’m searching the house for chocolate. We’ve almost finished naming them. The girls named the light colored ones Nut and Goldy. The darkest one is Hard Boiled, and the next darkest is Cuddle Muffin. We still have to name the last one. What do you think is a good chicken name? We’ve been trying to go with names that are related to egg dishes, just for fun.

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