Creative Every Day 2011: Day 1

Creative Every Day 2011: Day 1 November 1, 2011

(bee lino cut I’m working on)

It’s Creative Every Day Month over at Leah’s blog. I’m excited, I’ve been participating in her challenges for years now and I alway have a rewarding and fun experience. The challenge is to express creativity in some way every day in November. I love to see how everyone experiences the idea of “creativity” differently.

Here’s what I’m going to focus on:
carving and blockprinting
making ATCs (I have some catch-up work to do!)
eco friendly crafts (I’m planning to make some walnut ink and to try some natural dying)
and if I’m lucky I’ll even sneak in some assemblage and shrine making as well!
Wish me luck, because I’m going to need it with that ambitious list.
So with all that out of the way, here’s what I’m working on today:

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