Creative Every Day Challenge Day 9: To Walk into the Woods

Creative Every Day Challenge Day 9: To Walk into the Woods November 9, 2011
The world flips by,

Page after page of dreary nothing.

I have choices set before me
The well traveled path
Kept neatly, groomed lawn
Tidy flowers
Somehow though, it is less than it should be, darkness at the edges.
Fading like colored paper in the sun
Rotten and floating away like ash
The heavy sound of footsteps traveled
The multitudes steadily moving toward an unknown destination.

If you listen to the birds,
If you open your eyes,
There is something to be discovered
Uncovered like a violet under the leaves
And a sweet smell drifts up
For those who are still enough to sense it.

And then there is a narrow track before you.
It wasn’t there before,
There is the smell of damp loam and leaves.
A breeze with bracken on its’ lips
Beckons to me with birdcall and dappled light

To change my course, a different choice,
To walk into the woods.

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