After Imbolc

After Imbolc February 28, 2013
A couple of days ago I heard the bird song change. The winter song they sing is thin and small. It’s as if they can barely bring themselves to sing in the dawn.  This week it changed.  The birds know more than we do.  They are ancient beings, descendants of the giant lizards that roamed the earth so long ago.  A couple of days ago, I went outside in the morning to sing with them, like I do every morning.  The air was full of song!  
There was such joy in their music that I knew then more surely than through any calendar date that the shift to warmer days had begun.  So we sang in the dawn together, the birds and I and I felt their joy in my own heart.  Though the ice yet abides on the ground  I know soon enough I will smell the sweet smell of warm earth and sun.
It’s moments like that that keep me going.  When I wonder why I am doing this strange thing I remember singing with the birds and I am content.  I thought I would share a morning prayer with you.
Morning Prayer:
I call out to the Gods and Spirits
Aid me to keep my oaths, that I might walk this journey of life with pride and honor. 
Aid me to see the beauty in my own life and in others lives.
Aid me to find joy in my heart, wisdom in my head and good work in my hands.
Blessed be.

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