Want To Be A Bridge?

Want To Be A Bridge? October 27, 2017

If you want to be a bridge, be prepared to be stepped on by people on both sides.

Be prepared that some will not notice the bridge.

Be prepared that some may notice the bridge but not think twice of its value or function.

Be prepared that some may resent or feel threatened by the presence of a bridge.

Be prepared that some may regret having crossed the bridge.

Be prepared that some, having crossed over, may still choose to return to their side and never cross again.

Be prepared that some, having crossed and been enlightened may not have been mindful of the experience for quite a long time.

Be prepared that most who cross enjoy the experience, but forget to acknowledge the bridge that allowed that.

Be prepared that some will take you for granted, and never utter a word of appreciation.

Be prepared to be stepped on over and over by different individuals and people groups.

Be prepared to get stronger with each step taken.

Be prepared.

Be a bridge.

If you are not called to be a bridge, then find one to support.

If you can’t be a pillar of support, then financially support the building and maintaining of bridges.

Better yet, try crossing over a few bridges–that’s why they exist.

If you are not called to cross over, then acknowledge the usefulness of the bridge for others.

If you cannot acknowledge, then don’t hinder others’ use of the bridge.

Remember that where you stand today is most likely due to your ancestors having crossed a bridge or two.

So, lay down your arms, lower the walls of defense, and peek out into the world a little more.

It takes multiple brave steps to connect different sides of humanity to each other.

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