RICHMOND: Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete, Wed, 14 Mar, 7 pm

RICHMOND: Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete, Wed, 14 Mar, 7 pm March 11, 2018

My icon of St Mary of Egypt and the text of the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete – photo by me

For those in Richmond/Vancouver: Our temple will be having the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete on Wednesday, March 14, 7 pm. It will last about four hours.

It is the service where after doing 250 prostrations, I felt my body prostrating automatically. I heard the story of St Mary of Egypt for the first of many times and have been left contemplating the erotics of holiness. I was not taking my catechumenate seriously at the time, and my body ran ahead of me to embrace the Lord through the spiritual orientation of Eastern Catholicism.

As it is with every Great Fast, we are doing it again.I’ll be there – yes, in Richmond, as my last class of the quarter is tomorrow. Richmond is on the New Calendar, so I will have to re-adjust from being in Chicago on the Old Calendar.

Come join us if you can.

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