Bushi Yamato Damashii

Bushi Yamato DamashiiBushi Yamato Damashii
Bushi is the Roshi of the Daishin Zen Buddhist Temple & Mindfulness Center. He has been a practicing meditation for nearly 20 years. Once a Christian minister and religious academic who studied eastern religion, Bushi now lives his life and teaches Zen philosophy as an ordained Zen Buddhist monk. Bushi was born in West Palm Beach, Florida and educated internationally, including having studied at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. He holds a bachelors, two masters, and a PhD in  theology. He devotes a great deal of time meditating, reading, writing, and teaching. He is a sought after speaker and lecturer in Mahayana, Zen, Nichiren, and Christian traditions. He is married to Christine LeGrand Ramsey and they have three sons:  Aaron, Torrence, and Isaiah. He resides at Daishin Zen Buddhist Temple  in Thomasville, North Carolina.