Micky Jones

Mikcy JonesMicky Jones
Micky is a student, writer, and communicator, living just south of Nashville, TN with her beer aficionado husband, KC, and their 3 creative, funny and kind children. After more than 10 years as a mother-baby specialist (doula, childbirth educator, lactation consultant, trainer and author), she decided to become a theologian.

She is currently studying with NAIITS (North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies) through George Fox Evangelical Seminary. She plans to go on to PhD studies. Micky currently serves on the planning teams of the TransFORM Network and Wild Goose Festival. Her special interests include womanist theology, the intersections of Black and Native American history and theology, practical theology, nonviolent direct action, and health issues (particularly around stress, women, birth and children). Micky likes to engage in interesting conversations, participate in transformative experiences … and dance.