June 28, 2020

Breaking up is hard to do and it is especially hard when you realize that you gave way too much into a relationship and got very little in return. Unfortunately, this happens all too often in a world of imbalanced relationships, both romantic and otherwise. While it is tempting to work magic to zap them into a world of hurt, most of us who have been through these kinds of endings (especially we old ones) agree that rendering someone insignificant... Read more

June 16, 2020

We don't talk about dying and we need to, so think the thoughts, document the thoughts into a death plan, and distribute that plan to your advocates! Read more

June 9, 2020

Why isn’t your magic working? Why does it take so long to manifest? Not all magical workers use their energy to create outcomes, but if you do or if you pay someone else to do so on your behalf, it can be frustrating when you do not get the results you want. Why are the abusive neighbors still there when your banishing spell was dialed in and felt powerful? Your ex didn’t come back…what? Why did you not get the... Read more

May 17, 2020

Should the introverts and overworked feel guilty for thriving during COVID-19 quarantines? Apparently, some on social media think so. Read more

April 10, 2020

When I left coven work to become a solitary witch, this is not what I had in mind. On March 20, our state, like so many others, fell under a Shelter At Home order and to do the right thing, my husband, Eric, and I closed our metaphysical store until the order is lifted. At the time, we thought it would likely be a month or so, but as the crisis has progressed, it appears it will be longer. Admittedly, at the... Read more

March 13, 2020

As the warmth of spring starts to loosen the grip of winter’s cold, the quickening of Imbolc transforms from thought and desire into action. The energies of new beginnings and rebirth are everywhere and seeds are planted, literally and metaphorically, for the coming harvest. Throughout the agricultural cycle, each of the eight touchpoints of the Wheel of the Year is vital and none more so than Spring Equinox when the seeds go into the loosened ground, full of the promise... Read more

March 3, 2020

As I have navigated almost forty years of involvement in Pagan communities, I have come to believe that there are six things the average Pagan wants to accomplish. Let’s be realistic and say that of the six, most crave at least three. I have been blessed to cross most of those goals off my list. Of the six main goals, I have accomplished five and a half, so I thought it might be fun to talk about those things and whether... Read more

February 11, 2020

Another con (convention, not convict) season is upon us and there are many out there to choose from, unlike the old days when many of us hardly knew that other Pagans existed. Now, there are conventions and festivals across the country with Pagans, Witches, Druids and all other labels bringing out their individual lights to shine. Of course, anytime we assemble in groups of more than say (just choosing an arbitrary number here) one, we are subject to conflicts involving... Read more

January 28, 2020

After taking a break from blogging for Patheos, I did not intend for my first serious post to be slamming another blogger, and yet here we are with a blogger begging for evisceration. Our illustrious leader here at Patheos Pagan, Jason Mankey, recently directed us to an Independent article written by Ceri Radford  (2020, January 12) called “I spent a week becoming a witch and the results were worrying.” I have to say, they certainly were, enough so that I eventually... Read more

January 8, 2020

I am from Kentucky and there is an unwritten but understood practice that if you leave there, you can come back but no one is going to know what to do with you when you do. The people I grew up around were so accustomed to living and dying around one another that the idea of leaving was too foreign to consider. Sure, you might fantasize about traveling the world and you might even do a stint in the military or... Read more

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