A new journal – in ‘Creation Science’

A new journal – in ‘Creation Science’ January 10, 2008

This should be good… Answers in Genesis have launched the Answers Research Journal, which they are describing as a

professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent Creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.

Pharyngula and Adirondack have already laid into it – throwing down the challenge for the first spoof submission to get accepted. It’ll be hard to tell the pranks from the genuine content, judging by the papers that have already been published in Volume 1.

“Microbes and the Days of Creation” ponders on which day the Abramic god created microbes – a real conundrum given that the author of Genesis inexplicably neglected to mention them. Sample:

Upon further reflection on the origin of microbes, I realized that not all microbes could be classified as “seed-bearing” life, like plants, cyanobacteria, or photosynthetic bacteria. This led me to the conclusion that the Creator probably created animal-like (nonphotosynthetic) microbes on Days Five and Six.

Andrew A. Snelling (an employee of Answers in Genesis), takes a look at “Catastrophic Granite Formation”, and at least has the look of a scientific paper. Is it what Richard Feynman called Cargo Cult Science? I’m a biologist… I’ll leave that to the geologists to answer 🙂

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