November 1, 2016

For three decades the Religious Right wing of the Republican Party has managed to take over and control the narrative regarding Christian values, family values, and moral arguments in general, in our politics and in many cases, our churches. The stereotype automatically attributed to Christians, especially Evangelicals, that you must be a Republican has been firmly settled in place, even though the assumption ignores the millions of Americans who identify with both the Christian faith and the Democratic Party or... Read more

October 25, 2016

In 2008, Barack Obama built his campaign from one word: hope.  He used hope to inspire a new generation of millennial voters – voters like myself – to believe that change and progress are really possible, not elusive and empty promises. Fast forward eight years later, and Hillary Clinton has brought faith and values to the forefront of the American political imagination. Her own campaign has been built from phrases that convey profound moral meaning that are rooted in her... Read more

September 28, 2016

Last night we saw two very contrasting views on America, the Presidency, what a leader should be, how a leader should treat people, moral judgment and yes, values. Not only did Hillary Clinton call out Trump on his faulty policies such as “Trumped Up Trickle Down” economics and raised doubts about his foreign policy ideas and whether he would rule out nuclear weapons, but she pointed out his immoral, racist and sexist remarks and behaviors – all of which he... Read more

July 29, 2016

Viewing the Democratic National Convention this week has clarified for me, and deepened quite a bit, my party affiliation. Compared to the empty and contradictory sentiments of the Republican National Convention, the Democratic message feels rich, comprehensible, and values driven: something I could dive into, and find answers in. Many have commented on the simplicity of Donald Trump’s proposition to “Make America Great Again” versus Hillary Clinton’s more nuanced approach to problem solving. In his speech on the second night... Read more

July 23, 2016

Over the past week at the Republican National Convention we have heard the word “great” more times than I could count. We heard pastors, religious leaders and Christians repeat the Trump slogan, “We will make America great again,” and wildly applaud as he gave his acceptance speech, all themed around how bad things are now but how great they will be with him in charge. However, what is the Trump/GOP definition of “great”? Ever since Trump first announced his candidacy... Read more

June 21, 2016

Today, Donald Trump met with a group of evangelicals in New York City to  answer their questions and discuss how his campaign allegedly champions the values of people of faith. At the end of the meeting, Trump remarked that “we don’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion.” That statement couldn’t be any further from the truth. Perhaps the reason Trump doesn’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion is because he doesn’t know much about religion in the... Read more

June 16, 2016

Since the outbreak of World War I, throughout the 20th century and into the new millennium, the United States has been highly ranked on the global stage economically, socially, and developmentally. The U.S. is a world superpower and global hegemon, attaining capabilities in central intelligence, military, and international relationships unmatched by any other country in the world. The future of the U.S.’s position in the world and the question of whether or not the U.S. will maintain hegemonic power in... Read more

June 7, 2016

Editors’ Note: This article is part of the Patheos Public Square on Faith and the Election. Read other perspectives here. As a Democrat, the conversation around faith and politics generally begins with a question of whether it is appropriate to combine faith in politics (with many in the room feeling the answer to that question should be “no”). But from the perspectives of honestly, inclusion, and simple strategic effectiveness, the question we need to ask is not whether the faith and politics should be... Read more

June 3, 2016

On June 2nd, Secretary Clinton gave a powerful speech in San Diego that didn’t just highlight her experience and her capabilities, but denounced those of her Republican rival, Donald Trump. What the speech subsequently conveyed was the notion that Hillary is better suited for the role of Commander-in-Chief. Mr. Trump, as Hillary pointed out, is “dangerously incoherent” and “temperamentally unfit” to be the president. She questioned his judgment, citing his friendship and admiration for dictators like Vladimir Putin, an adversary to... Read more

May 19, 2016

Our nation has found itself plunged into a period of immense political cynicism. Anger over the past and fear for the future are fueling much of the debate over which path forward should prevail for the people of the United States. But anger and fear, especially when mixed, are a recipe for disastrous decision-making. And faith voters should be acutely aware of this toxic combination. People of faith know that there is a clear, steady path forward. The way of... Read more

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