More On Writing

More On Writing December 15, 2015

By the looks of things around this blog, you’d think that my writing is slowing down. But behind the scene (or should I say screen?), a different thing is happening.

I’ve started writing longhand again. Sometimes I type up a polished version. Sometimes not. I’m writing more letters – you know, the kind a recipient can touch, smell, and stumble reading through because it’s been a decade since he or she has read cursive. The kind with a stamp attached. A return address. A worn corner from spending days en route to a near or far away destination.

I’m writing longhand, in part, because I started getting anxious anytime I sat behind the computer. I type as fast as lightening, but my brain writes as slow as a rising, morning sun. And that blasted cursor blinks, blinks, blinks, and I want to slap it slap it like a red-headed step child – not that I would ever slap a red-headed step-child. If my fingers aren’t typing, I feel pressure. If my pen isn’t touching the paper, I feel patience.

No pressure, the paper whispers to me. Take your time.

And so, all the wicked-cute notebooks I received for Shaun’s Pastor Appreciation back in October are being filled up one sentence at a time. I enjoy this antiquated method of writing. It agrees with me. It’s as if I’m writing to a friend rather than a boss or teacher or … gulp! … publisher. So from now on, writing takes place on paper, typing and editing take place on ‘puter. One is creative. One is a necessary evil.

Three cheers for cramped hands and knobby, calloused, ink-stained fingers. And the trees. God bless the trees for giving up their life so mine might be richer.

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