On Writing, Decorating, and Simplicity

On Writing, Decorating, and Simplicity December 9, 2015

This Christmas, I decided to decorate in a very simple style. I strung popcorn and cranberries for tree garland. I bought bows made of burlap and even dispersed them on the tree, even though you can’t see that from the pic. I tied pine cones to a real tree. Hung a real wreath. 

Etcetera, etcetera ….

Deep down, I have a strong desire to live a more simplistic life. This is a popular approach to living these days, but even in a quest for simplicity, things can get wild and nutty. So … I don’t have any answers. Only thoughts and wonderings as I wander store aisles and internet sites.

I guess you could say I wonder as I wander …..


Get it? Like, from the Christmas song? I wonder as I wander …..

Ahem. Anyway, I think artists wonder how to simplify more often than non-artists. When life gets complicated, we feel stressed. When we feel stressed, our creative juices freeze up. The only way to thaw them out is to first, rest. Second, shut out the crazy-loud world and get to work.

Let the dishes sit. Let the drapes be draped in dust. Eat out. Turn our underwear inside out and wear ’em again. (Just kidding)

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision, wherever it takes him.” ~John F. Kennedy

Following vision takes time. So for Christmas, I’m asking for enough time to not only follow, but carry out my vision. My days are numbered. How I spend those days is yet to be perfected.

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