The Yegges Are Coming! The Yegges Are Coming!

The Yegges Are Coming! The Yegges Are Coming! May 19, 2016

In the movie Little Women (with Winona Ryder), there’s a scene in which Jo sits down at the piano and laments about the March family being separated. “Will we all never be together again?” she asks dramatically, without truly expecting an answer.

That’s the mindset I’ve been in since about six years ago, when Ashlee left home. Before she got back to Colorado, Jessie was gone (those darn military guys capturing my daughters’ hearts!), and though I love both of my sons-in-law, I’ve done a little lamenting of my own about all of us being separated. 
When will we be together again? I’ve often asked. 
Well the answer to that is in eight days!! On the 27th, Jessie and Todd will, after much packing, fly out of Maryland one last time. Karl will follow in the moving truck a few days later. And just … like … that, I’ll have all three kids, both sons-in-law, and all four grand babies within arms reach. 
Can someone cyber pinch me? 
It really does seem unreal. Many folks in my situation would say they are blessed. But I’ve never liked that term much – not when it’s used in that way. As Christians, we’re all blessed the same. We have a Savior who has made us His own, even though we don’t deserve it. And living the Christian life? Well, it’s hard. Some Christians face severe persecution. Some can’t have kids, let alone be “blessed” by living in the same town with all of them. Our circumstances don’t determine whether we’re blessed or not. Whether we have “every heavenly blessings” (Eph 1) determines whether we’re blessed or not. 
And so, I’ll say this: 
I am grateful. 

Because being grateful is to say that I’m receiving something (in this case, someone) I am unworthy to receive. I don’t know why God has allowed Shaun and I to live in the same vicinity our kids live. I couldn’t figure it out if I tried. My own Mom has wished to live in the same town as her three kids since I was fifteen, and it still hasn’t happened. Why? Because God in His sovereignty didn’t arrange it that way. 
Point is, I didn’t do anything to deserve close-by kids. But that’s how it’s worked out, and I am grateful. Ecstatic. And also tired! When the kids visit, it’s a lot more work to make dinner for three families than it for just me, Shaun, Andrew and Mom. It’s work to babysit the grand babies. It’s work to host birthday parties. Before Jessie gets here, it will be a lot of work to rearrange where my Mom lives, where Andrew has a bedroom, where I have an office, and to get new carpet installed in the bedrooms the Yegges will be staying in until they get settled at their own place. But just like when my kids were toddlers, it’s worth it. Now that they’re in their twenties, the work is different, but it’s still hard. And worth it. Always. 
Speaking of work, Jessie has volunteered to take over the cooking for the length of their stay. It took me about half of a millisecond to say yes to her offer. I will garden. She can cook. 
Yes, please! 

My hands are taking a serious beating from all the weed pulling and dirt digging. My knuckles were close to bleeding today, and then I remembered some salve (for lack of a better word) that Ashlee made up for me about a year ago. No idea what’s in it, because I’m old and have chronic brain farts. But it has saved my hands from looking like one big scab. 
Scab Soothing Salve! That’s what I’ll call it. 
Anyway – enough silliness. It is enough to say that I am grateful for what I have in Jesus, and what Jesus has chosen at this particular time in history to bestow on me and mine: a not-so-little thing called togetherness. 

And if you feel hateful toward me or jealous of me for that, then think of this: 
This blog was penned by a hurting person who can’t eat hardly anything by mouth, wants to throw up every morning, is dizzy about half of her life, is dreadfully fatigued ninety percent of the time, who is in some type of pain 24/7, and who still has not fully recuperated from her heart surgery five and a half months ago. I could go on, but you understand. There’s plenty in my life to be grateful about. There’s also a bounty of circumstances in my life to challenge my beliefs about God’s love, sovereignty, goodness, and faithfulness. Persistent illness is only one. 
Let’s just be grateful, period. Shall we? No comparing. No judging. No petty jealousies. Just thankfulness to the One who holds this world, and all it’s inhabitants, in His hands. 

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