Be The Best Whatever!

Be The Best Whatever! August 12, 2016
The Olympics get me thinking. Some wise old sage once said that you can’t put in what God has left out, meaning, if you don’t have a God-given talent for something, don’t try and act like you do. Instead, find out what you are good at, what God did put in, and develop that. Some people are good at tumbling, swimming, or running. Some are good at computers, baking, or licking stamps. 
We are all different. Wonderfully different. And we all have something to offer the world, even if it’s just mad candy wrapping skills. Fact is, we are here on earth, so we’ve got a job to do. A purpose. Number one purpose is to glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever. But within that larger purpose is a specific purpose. So the trick is to find out what it is, and go for the gold. Be the best whatevers we can be. 

Summer Olympics make me miss the days of being a gymnast. I will always wonder what would’ve happened if I would’ve pursued it. Truth is that I couldn’t have with heart problems that developed at age ten, because open heart surgery and Olympics just aren’t compatible. Other truth is that God simply had other plans for my life. Other-other truth is that I can’t bear to wear a leotard in front of a crowd (ha!). But none of those truths meant my life was over or insignificant or even vanilla. It’s just meant God had something different for me than professional or even recreational sports. So sometimes success isn’t about pursuing what we want to be, or what we think we ought to be. It’s just choosing and working toward something we can be, based on our talents and limitations, and aiming for God’s glory in the process. It’s not so much what we do, as how we do whatever we do. 
Congrats to so many awesome American athletes. And to the candy wrappers, septic pumpers, and hamburger flippers of the world … thanks. If you do your job well, to me, you are just as much of an inspiration as a gold, silver, or bronze medalist. Carry on!

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