Hey Liberals, Make Up Your Mind About Sexual Perversion

Hey Liberals, Make Up Your Mind About Sexual Perversion October 7, 2016

I don’t and never will defend Trump’s vulgarity toward women. But I do wonder why his actions are not acceptable to the left, when the left has forced the entire country to tolerate all sorts of sexual perversion: homosexuality, transgenderism, and *ding, ding*, up next on their sick list – pedophilia.

In my best kind, little old lady voice …

“Oh those poor little pedophiles. They’re not criminal, really. Just .. just … born that way, you know. Oh yes, they need some psychiatric care, so let’s give them that. But let’s not lock the poor little things up, for they mean no harm.”

This is the rhetoric already taking place, and that first took place when homosexuality came on the scene, but I somewhat digress.

Point is: If they can be perverted, then Donald should be allowed to be perverted as well. I have trouble seeing what their gripe is, exactly, when they’ve stood behind Obama as he tried to force American schools to allow men and boys into the little girls restroom. Or when they made Bruce Jenner their poster boy. Or when they constantly make excuses for Bill Clinton. Oh, I forget. He “did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

Right. At least for the left.

If you’re going to make up new rules that state everyone has to be tolerant and even supportive (wedding cake, anyone?) of perverse sexual ideologies and practices, at least have the guts to follow your own knuckle-headed garbage.

Are Americans required to be tolerant or not? Maketh up your mind, you skunkish, devilish, hypocritical leftists.

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