Truth and Tolerance

Truth and Tolerance December 19, 2016

In seeking to become a nation of tolerance, we have only succeeded in becoming a nation of gross intolerance. This is the result of living in a society convinced that truth is subjective. Truth, we’ve been taught, is whatever we want it to be. And as believers of such nonsense, we have all, every one of us, gone our own way. But Truth, Jesus said, is found only in Himself and His teachings. 

“I am the Truth,” He said. 

Until we return to understanding of what truth is and where it’s found, disunity will continue.

Laws against murdering, stealing, abuse of all kinds, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. are all based off of absolute, Biblical truth. Do we REALLY want to rid our country of absolute truth and insist on our own “truth”? Or do we want to turn back, realizing the “heart of man is only evil continually”, and therefore in need of the Ten Commandments and more pointedly, the forgiveness of the God who authored them?

How do we all get on the same proverbial page? We get on the same literal pages of the Bible and act according to absolute truth. That won’t happen of course, until the return of Christ. Until then, there will always be some level of discord. For now, it’s good enough to know that Christ is building His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And it’s a comfort to know that one day, all political, social, and religious upheaval will cease.

Maranatha!! Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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