In Which I Compliment President Obama

In Which I Compliment President Obama January 10, 2017

They say when you’re highly irritated with someone, you should think of one good trait of theirs and hone in on it. I’ve no idea who “they” are, but I think “their” advice is wise. Focusing on the positive rather than the negative is a good thing whether we’re talking about people or sermons or books or anything at all. So while the world is watching Obama’s farewell speech tonight, I have decided to keep the boob tube off and instead spend some time honing in on something I can admire about the President. 

*Deeeeeep breath

Ugh. I can’t talk policies because I can’t think of any I agree with him on. But of course, policies are not traits, so moving on …


*more crickets 

*so many crickets 

Okay, okay. Here’s something.

I appreciate the way he consistently loved his wife publicly. He either puts on a good act, or he genuinely adores her. And not only her, but his daughters as well. I think if every husband paid his wife a compliment in public once in a while, we’d have happier wives. Likewise, if every dad openly loved their daughters, perhaps fewer would be committing suicide and/or turning to immature boys to fill a heart desire that only a father’s love can fill.

So there’s that.

I can also say that he has stuck up for what he believes in. Though I shamelessly lament over his agenda, and therefore have trouble appreciating him for pushing it, the fact is, he has boldly gone forth to fight for what he believes is right – and that’s more than we can say about a lot of men in our society.

So there you have it. I picked two things! Farewell, Mr. President. I wish you all the best. God bless you and your family, and may God bless America.

Now may the rest of us, for the next four years, try (at least a smidgen) to be civil. Allow differing opinions. Stand against evil. Stop name calling and labeling. Stop requiring everyone on earth to support whatever lifestyle we choose. Stop suing each other. Discuss respectfully. Listen. Love. Live peaceably.

Not everything can be blamed on the big wigs. I pray we all take personal responsibility to govern ourselves wisely, allowing government to shrink, and freedom to grow.

And all God’s people (or however many agree) said?

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