Hard News

Hard News April 25, 2016

I don’t know if there are many people who follow this blog who wouldn’t have heard through other channels, but in case there are: my wife Anne and I got the awful news last week that Anne has cancer. In particular, she has neuroendocrine tumours (NET), also known as carcinoids; we’re still in the process of finding out how advanced it is, but we know a large tumour was found in her appendix, and a metastasis in her peritoneum. We’ll be blogging about the journey on our family blog, and maybe to some extent here as well. We will have to leave Westville and move back to the U.S. for treatment, which breaks our hearts; and it’s going to be hard on Samuel (2 years old) and Eleanor (1 year old); but we are both confident that God is sovereign and God is good, and we know that we are being held in prayer and love by countless people around the world.

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