June 13, 2019

Gathering all the things it seems you need to start down the path of Heathenry can be daunting, and expensive. Here's some tips for making a set of very inexpensive or even free runes to get you started! Read more

June 6, 2019

Science seems to contradict a lot of spiritual ideas. How can the sun be both a fiery chariot and an exploding mass of gases? But we as Pagans don't need to take our mythology literally; both the symbol and the reality contain truth. Read more

June 2, 2019

The Book of Herb Spells by Cheralyn Darcey is a great little guide to beginning plant magic. She has lots of new and fresh ideas that are definitely worth trying! Read more

May 30, 2019

Years ago, I became fascinated by the ancient texts and drawings of medieval alchemists. I created the Alchemy Stones to make use of these wonderful symbols! Read more

May 23, 2019

Alchemy is not only turning lead to gold. It is a journey of spiritual growth reflected in physical processes. The Alchemy Stones make a wonderful oracle, and an effective tool for introspection. Read more

May 19, 2019

So often, the Earth is asked to give us blessings, prosperity, and many other good things. This ritual honors those gifts of the Earth and the local spirits of your land. Read more

May 15, 2019

The debate swirling around these new abortion laws is sorely missing stories of the real lives of women and other pregnant people. Here's mine. Read more

May 12, 2019

Nerthus is an ancient and mysterious deity, with an ambivalent view of humanity. What do we know of Her? Read more

May 7, 2019

When we think of spring, it's usually all flowers and sunshine and beautiful weather. But like all of nature, there is a darker side to it. Read more

April 15, 2019

Fairies and nature spirits may be two different categories of being, but both are worthy of our attention and energy. Read more

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