February 27, 2018

There were many talks about the usefulness of Latin language in the catholic liturgy in recent years. I don’t think being a fanatic of Latin has any use, but disregard this glorious language can be certainly dangerous. I have five reasons to affirm this. Here they are: Latin is universal, not particular. Latin unites and not divides. When I meet a Chinese or Indian that is my brother in the same faith, we can pray together singing in a language... Read more

February 25, 2018

There is a current misunderstanding amongst some Catholics in that those attending the Extraordinary Form (EF) of the Roman Rite are against those attending the Ordinary Form (OF) of the same Rite. Now, on a superficial level and reading here and there it may appear so but the reality is profoundly different.  There is a little group that indeed is against the OF per se. But it is a “little group” and not influential. What my experience has shown is... Read more

February 22, 2018

Following the confidences of the Jesuit Father Silvano Fausti, who passed away not long ago, we must agree that the conclave which elected Benedict XVI was the result of a compromise between the conservative wing, represented by Cardinal Ratzinger, and the progressive wing, represented by Cardinal Martini . Now, what was the purpose of this compromise? Was to avoid the rise to the papacy of a cardinal of the curia that was unwelcomed by both parties. Father Fausti was confessor... Read more

February 21, 2018

“Dear Sister, I don’t even know if you are still alive or not. You may not remember me, I was that altar boy that you have trained, 30 years ago”. This is how I would start a letter for the Sister that thought me to pray in Latin. She was quite aged already at the time and I was so young and full energy. I served as altar boy in my Parish and she was in charge of our formation.... Read more

August 13, 2016

A short Organ improvisation by Aurelio Porfiri, recorded in Rome on May 2016. Read more

August 9, 2016

A group of Catholic theologians were concerned about the effect Amoris laetitia(AL) has been having on the public understanding of the teaching of the Church... Read more

August 8, 2016

So Christian art is originally figurative... Read more

August 7, 2016

I mean, how logical that is, the center of it all have to be Christ. Read more

August 6, 2016

In the movie Braveheart it has been said: "Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it." Read more

August 5, 2016

Is it natural that I should feel affected in the same way from tragedies that happen far from me? Read more

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