Three Simple Spells for Personal Development to do During the Waning Moon

Three Simple Spells for Personal Development to do During the Waning Moon April 3, 2018

The waning moon is a great time to do removal magick of all sorts. While there are spells to get rid of all that troubles us, including toxic people, there are times when personal development work is in order. Here are three simple spells that will help with your efforts to banish negative self judgment, give up bad habits and transform unrealistic expectations into realistic ones.

There’s no end to the types of removal spells that can drawn upon the energy of the waning moon for added power. Types of removal magick include: banishing, binding, reversal and transmutation. This is also a time to do cursing if you’re into that. In addition, the waning moon’s strength can be utilized to remove barriers ranging from obstacles between us and our true love to financial stability. Three common personal development areas of ending negative self judgment, letting go of bad habits and giving up unrealistic expectations can be strengthened with some waning moon magick, too.


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