March 17, 2015

People act against the good of others even when it hurts their business. That's human nature. Faith in the "free market" is both misplaced and injurious. Read more

March 10, 2015

Debates among Catholics about moral issues too often rely on a cursory analysis of Magisterial pronouncements instead of the hard work of moral argument. Such debates center on what the Church permits without reasoning further to the rightness or wrongness of what is permitted. Read more

March 3, 2015

One can't justly hide behind private property rights when the system that defines and supports those rights oppresses or ignores the less fortunate, enforcing grossly unequal distribution and neglecting basic human needs. Read more

March 2, 2015

It's too bad you can't see a movie again for the first time, but if you could, what movies would make your list? Read more

February 26, 2015

Just because Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn novels haven't been adapted for the screen doesn't mean we can't have LEGO minifigures based on the characters. Here we have Vin and Elend Venture from The Hero of Ages. Read more

February 25, 2015

Richard Dawkins himself cannot escape some religious instruction because he’s situated in a society formed by multiple religious traditions. Read more

February 24, 2015

Former Senator Phil Gramm is clear about whom he thinks are the disadvantaged: young, healthy Americans of means who are required under the law to help cover the costs of those who need subsidies. Read more

February 24, 2015

If you launch into a moral defense of a war without reckoning with the dead, the displaced, and all the other terrible consequences of that war, you're doing it wrong. Read more

February 23, 2015

Is this all a fad that will be gone before the preparations begin for CuddleCon 2017? I wouldn't count on it. We crave touch and intimacy, and if a niche business like professional cuddling is booming now, these are needs that are not being met elsewhere. Read more

February 23, 2015

To have its place, ridicule has to accomplish more than making the privileged feel good about themselves. Read more

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