Washington Memories

Washington Memories July 16, 2010

Today I took a road trip to Washington, Georgia in Wilkes County. It’s a beautiful southern town incorporated in 1790. The first stop was Saint Joseph Catholic Church where I was confirmed in September, 1995. I hadn’t been inside the church since 1995.

While inside the small church, I began to wonder how different life was in 1995. Things were on a different track then. Everything changed in a split second. We left Washington in 1995 and literally never returned.

While inside the church I wrote this:

Weep for lost memories that never were.
Weep for that which never was.
Mourn the memories you do not possess.
Mourn the present moment that was not willed to be.

We have to take the time to mourn those things that never came to fruition in our lives. We sometimes have reasonable expectations of the future that simply do not come about and we have to mourn these anticipated future moments which never became memories. They remained dreams and desires that never materialized due to elements beyond our control.

It is mourning over an alternative life that never came to be.

To remain here is dangerous though because no matter what, the past cannot be changed. We have to accept the twists and turns of life and embrace who we are today as the result of the many events and circumstances of our past. Anything else leads to insanity or despair.

All these pictures are mine, all rights reserved

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