Twenty Years Today

Twenty Years Today April 26, 2011

Twenty years ago tonight, I left my house and my country. There was so much uncertainty as we drove away from home in the night to catch a midnight flight to Miami.

That day changed the course of my life. I was uprooted from all that was familiar and comfortable. I came to a foreign country where the roots had to be replanted or else die. Little did I know, the roots would firmly take hold on the new soil. Augusta, Georgia would soon become home and continues to be so today.

Pondering “what ifs” is almost inevitable in any life-changing event, yet we must trust as Saint Paul instructs us in his letter to the Romans, “know that all things work for good for those who love God.” Life unfolds before us with unexpected twists and turns, and through them all the one thing that remains constant is God’s presence. God is the only constant to which we can hold on to, and know that if we hold on to his love, all things will work for good.

Twenty years ago I was cursing my arrival to the United States. Today I give thanks to God unceasingly for having brought me here.

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