Hispanics mobilize against immigration law

Hispanics mobilize against immigration law July 11, 2011

Today’s Macon Telegraph ran a story on immigration on the front page with this picture of my back side as I prayed before my parishioners went to Atlanta to an immigration reform rally.
The article is very well written. Read the comments at your own risk. At the time I read them, there were only two that directly spoke poorly of the Church. One of them alludes that I am a left-wing, post-Vatican II liberation theology priest. I just love it when people say things about others while having absolutely no idea about who the other is. I honestly wish this lady would call me and meet me!
The comments of this article are a perfect example of why anonymity on the internet is dangerous. People often write things they would never say or write if their name, address and phone number were attached.
Enjoy the article!
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