Blessing of Danza Azteca and Mass of Saint Juan Diego

Blessing of Danza Azteca and Mass of Saint Juan Diego December 10, 2011
The celebrations for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe began immediately after the Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.  The lay preacher Horacio Trujillo from Los Angeles delivered a message on the family for those gathered.
Last night at 6:45pm was the blessing of the Aztec Dance.  Each member of the group placed his or her crown by the altar to be blessed.  Afterwards they entered into the church dancing in pairs to the sound of a beating drum.  When they knelt to be crowned the drum stopped dramatically.  As the pair danced away the next two dancers approached.
After the crowning and blessing of the Danza Azteca, a Mass in memory of Saint Juan Diego was celebrated followed by the preaching of Horacio Trujillo and confessions until 9:30pm.



Tomorrow we will join Saint Juliana Parish in Fort Valley for Mass and a procession at the Perry Fairgrounds from 1 to 9pm.

[The pictures above are from last year since I haven’t been able to get pictures or video from last night.]

As these days of celebration begin, I’d like to share one of my favorite Marian songs, Angelicas Milicas by Mexican baroque composer Manuel de Sumaya.  The song is part of the Matins Service for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The words to this beautiful hymn are below the video along with an English translation.
Angélicas Milicias, celestiales escuadras,
que del Monarca del Imperio Sacro
guardáis el divino soberano alcázar.
Angelic Armies, celestial squadrons,
who guard the divine and sovereign citadel
of the Sacred Empire’s Monarch.
¡A las armas, a las armas!,
que la mas hermosa y pura,
Reina triunfante a la altura
sube a coronarse grata.
To arms, to arms!
For the most beautiful and pure
triumphant Queen, to the heavens
rises to be pleasingly crowned.
Y así cada cuerda, y el eco sonoro
de clarín y caja, aplaude a sus glorias
con dulces estruendos de bélicas salvas.
And so every string and resounding echo
of bugle and drum, applaud her glories
with a sweet warring round of thunder.
Hoy que la divina Reina
de las jerarquías altas
sube a poseer la corona
del Imperio de la Gracia.
Today the divine Queen
of the high hierarchies
rises to possess the crown
of the Empire of Grace.
Hoy que por Madre y Señora
el siempre Eterno Monarca
del Celestial Sacro Trono
gloriosamente la aclama.
Today for being Mother and Lady,
the always Eternal Monarch
from the Celestial Sacred Throne
gloriously acclaims her.

For a bit more information on Sumaya and Mexican baroque music, click here

Pictures are mine, all rights reserved.

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