Mariachi Marian Song: Angel del Cielo

Mariachi Marian Song: Angel del Cielo December 10, 2011

This is a beautiful Mariachi Marian song titled “The Angel from Heaven” which narrates the annunciation of the incarnation of Our Lord.  The Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano sings this song in the video below in a 2002 Mariachi documentary hosted by Placido Domingo.  The Mariachi that plays at Sacred Heart each year plays it as the entrance song for the Mass of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The words are below in both Spanish and English.


El ángel del cielo anunció a María
que Dios la escogía.
Toda la tierra callaba porque un lirio florecía.

En mi Dios, mi Salvador,
me salta el alma de gozo,
pues el santo y poderosos
ha hecho en mi maravillas
por ser pequeña y sencilla.

¿Cómo lo tendré si no estoy casada
y solo desposada con el señor san José?
Mas a mi Dios creeré.

El ángel contesta: “No temas María;
para su venida te cubrirá con su manto
el Espíritu Santo.

Se inclinó la Virgen con santo temor,
en adoración respondió:
“Que así sea según el Señor desea”.

Y el Verbo divino encontró morada
en Niña guardada entre todas las mujeres
una sola inmaculada.


The angel from heaven announced to Mary

that God chose her.
The whole earth fell silent as a lily bloomed.
In my God, my Savior,
my soul exalts with joy,
for the Holy and All-powerful
has worked wonders in me
for I am small and simple.
How will I have him if I am not married
but only engaged to Saint Joseph?
But in my God I will believe.
The angel replied, “Fear not, Mary;
for His coming, the Holy Spirit
will cover you with His cloak.
The Virgin, she bent with holy fear
and in adoration responded,
“So be it as the Lord desires.”
And the divine Word found a dwelling
in a girl set aside from all other women,
the only one immaculate.

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