Looks like we got a rev in here

Looks like we got a rev in here January 18, 2012

“Look, look!  Looks like we got a rev in here.”

“Nuh huh, he’s a priest,” said the other girl while pointing to her neck.

“Good morning ladies, have a good day,” I said to the two middle school students at a local public school while their eyes were about to pop out from their sockets out of disbelief.  This was probably the first time in their lives they had seen a priest in person.  They must have thought I was straight out from one of those exorcism movies that are so popular today.

I had just spoken for about twenty minutes at the school’s prayer club.  About fifty to sixty students gather every Wednesday morning at the computer lab for reflection and prayer.  I was amazed by their presence, devotion, respect and attention.

A handful of my parishioners attend the prayer club regularly.  Last Wednesday before I left the Confirmation class, one of the kids said to me in a very excited voice, “see you next week Father!”  Confused I asked him, “where will I see you?”  He replied, “at prayer club!”

This same boy was thrilled to introduce me to his classmates.  I could feel the few Catholics present were proud their priest had come to prayer club.  Youth pastors from local churches are oftentimes invited.

I read the story of David and Goliath to them, today’s first reading at Mass.  I asked the kids to think about the Goliaths they face everyday, those difficult moments when they feel afraid and helpless by what’s in front of them, yet still trust Jesus will get them through it.  Some answers included: problems at home, bullies, friendship and relationship troubles, tests.

I used an abridged version of my talk with the Sacred Heart School kids at Mass later that morning since the students at prayer club had been very receptive to the message.  To my surprise, it was an adult who approached me after Mass and said, “Father, that homily was for me, I needed to hear it.”

David defeated Goliath despite his small size and weaker weapon.  David defeated the giant Goliath because he trusted in God and was courageous in the face of adversity.  Jesus tells us to “take courage, be not afraid.”  May He give us the strength to imitate the young David who conquered all fear by knowing God was at his side.

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